- Welcome to the Official LCDproc homepage! -
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LCDproc is a piece of open source software that displays real-time
system information from your Linux/*BSD box on a LCD. The server supports
several serial and USB devices from Matrix Orbital and CrystalFontz as well
as some devices connected to the LPT port: HD44780, T6963, SED1520 and
SED1330. Various clients are available that display things like CPU load,
system load, memory usage, uptime, and a lot more.
- LCDproc v0.5.6 released
2012-11-04 - |
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LCDproc v0.5.6, the new stable version of LCDproc is ready and available.
See the download section for details.
- lcdproc.org domain is back again
2012-06-28 - |
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The LCDproc domain names (lcdproc.org, lcdproc.net and
lcdproc.com) are pointing to the right page again. This was made possible by
a generous donation by Crystalfontz
America, Inc. Thank you very much! 
- lcdproc.org domain currently unavailable
2012-06-04 - |
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If you read this, you already found your way. Unfortunately
the domain lcdproc.org is currently claimed back by the registrar and does
point to search / ad page. We are sorry for this inconvenience. Project
services are not affected.
- LCDproc v0.5.5 released
2011-11-09 - |
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LCDproc v0.5.5, the new stable version of LCDproc is ready and available.
See the download section for details.
- Forums re-opened
2011-10-06 - |
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We have opened the web 'Help' forum again. If you have a
problem you may ask there for help. Please do not cross post your
question to the mailing list.
The forum is hosted at Sourceforge
and you need a Sourceforge account to post.
- LCDproc v0.5.5-pre1 released
2011-10-01 - |
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LCDproc v0.5.5-pre1, a release candidate of the next stable stable version of LCDproc is ready and available.
This release includes some bug fixes as well as several updated drivers.
For a brief list see the release notes
or the ChangeLog file in the sources.
- LCDproc v0.5.4 released
2011-02-19 - |
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LCDproc v0.5.4, the new stable version of LCDproc is ready and available.
It features a few new drivers (SureElec, mdm166a) and connection types for
hd44780 (usbtiny) as well as many fixes to existing drivers and the server
core. For a brief list see the release notes
or the ChangeLog file in the sources.
- Sourceforge hack will delay new release
2011-01-30 - |
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As you may have read, Sourceforge has been hacked. They are currently
restoring services but CVS is said to be available by the end of next week.
This and some fixes I want to push into the release will delay finishing the
new release.
- Pyramid Computer donated a display device
2011-01-29 - |
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Thanks to a hardware donation from
Pyramid Computer GmbH I was able to track down a few bugs in the
'pyramid' driver.
- Re-worked drivers for graphical displays
2011-01-26 - |
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Thanks to a hardware donation from Crystalfontz I was able to test and
correct the t6863 and sed1520 drivers.
While the re-worked t6963 driver has already been checked in, the new
sed1520 driver cannot be committed due to an outage of the Sourceforge CVS
- LCDproc v0.5.4-pre1 released
2010-12-27 - |
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LCDproc v0.5.4-pre1, a pre-release version of the next LCDproc release is
available. See the download section for
- MDM166A hardware donation
2010-12-02 - |
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Christian Hennek from Eisgold.de donated one
Futaba / Targa MDM166A unit to the project. Thank you!
- IdeaTorrent
2010-11-22 - |
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We implemented a new idea gathering (aka feature request) tool utilizing
IdeaTorrent hosted on Sourceforge. Anyone with a Sourceforge user account
may submit new ideas for LCDproc or vote for ideas of others.
Check it out at
LCDproc's IdeaTorrent.
- Website updates
2010-11-15 - |
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Finally I (mmdolze) was assigned write access to the LCDproc website. After
browsing the source code I found myself able to update large parts. Updates
up to now:
- Altough the site design should not look different to before, it now
produces valid HTML. In a few places I had to use style attributes to
achive this.
- Some old stuff and not linked pages and images have been removed.
- Texts and links have been updated. Some dead links were removed.
- ChangeLogs for releases have been removed from the front page. They
are now links to the download page.
- Screenshots have been updated.
- The 'testing' page has been removed.
- The rules for adding new drivers are now published on the development page.
- Hardware donation
2010-01-11 - |
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Crystalfontz America, Inc. kindly donated a full set of displays including:
- CFA533 (USB & serial)
- CFA631 (USB)
- CFA632 (USB & serial)
- CFA633 (USB)
- CFA634 (USB)
- CFA635 (USB, external enclosure)
Thank you very much Brent!
- LCDproc v0.5.3 Released
2009-06-21 - |
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LCDproc v0.5.3, the new stable version of LCDproc is ready and
It features several new drivers (imonlcd, irtrans, i2500vfd, lis, mx5000,
shuttleVFD) and connection types for hd44780 (ethlcd, ftdi, mplay, uss720, usblcd)
as well as many fixes to existing drivers, the server core and clients. For a
brief list see the release notes
or the ChangeLog file in the sources.
- Maintainer change
Summer 2009 - |
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During the last years LCDproc project used a 'single maintainer'
development model: All code commits and new releases are coordinated/done by
a single maintainer. For the last years this job has been carried out by
Peter Marschall.
At the end of 2008 Peter quit working as the maintainer of LCDproc.
I, Markus Dolze (current maintainer of the FreeBSD port) have stepped
into his shoes answering question on the mailing list and committing
patches. I will take the hat as Maintainer and are going to make the next
release, too.
- LCDproc v0.5.2 Released
2007-04-27 - |
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LCDproc v0.5.2, the new stable version of LCDproc is ready and
See here or the ChangeLog file in the
sources for the most important changes compared to v0.5.1.
- LCDproc v0.5.1 Released
2006-10-14 - |
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LCDproc v0.5.1, the new stable version of LCDproc is ready and
See here or the ChangeLog file in the
sources for the most important changes compared to v0.5.0.
- LCDproc v0.5.0 Released
2006-04-15 - |
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Almost exactly 2 years after the previous stable LCDproc version
the new stable version LCDproc v0.5.0 is
There are far too many changes in this release to enumerate them all.
See here for a list of changes
or the ChangeLog file in the sources.
- CrystalFontz Driver Status
2004-07-21 - |
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We have received a GPL'ed version of the interfacing code for the CF631/633
from Brent Crosby at CrystalFontz. This means that all copyright issues
have been resolved and we can continue working on the driver. Thanks a lot
- LCDproc v0.4.5 Released
2004-04-13 - |
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LCDproc v0.4.5 is available.
This release fixes two buffer overflow/format string vulnerabilities.
It is recommended that all users upgrade to this release immediately
as an exploit has been posted to bugtraq.
Please note that the LCDproc developers have not been notified of
the bugtraq posting prior to its publishment and have not had the
chance to react to it any earlier.
A detailled advisory
has been sent to bugtraq (it will probably take a while for it to
appear since bugtraq is moderated).
* Fixed buffer overflow and format string vulnerabilities in the
client communications code. The original bugtraq posting
http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/10085 is somewhat misleading
and/or incorrect. A correction will be posted ASAP.
- Removed annoying "client crashed" message
- LCDproc v0.4.4 Released
2004-03-16 - |
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LCDproc v0.4.4 is available.
While 0.4.4 is mainly a bugfix release it also includes a few new
things. See here for a list of changes
or the ChangeLog file in the sources. A few bugs might at least be used for
a local (or depending on your setup also remote) DoS attack. So make sure to
upgrade and stay tuned for 0.5, since this is going to be the second last
release of the 0.4.x branch.
Unfortunately the CFontz633 driver could not be included due to licensing
constraints. We hope to either resolve those issues or rewrite the code in
question as soon as possible and release 0.4.5 with it.
- LCDproc v0.4.4 Work in progress (Available for Testing)
11/21/02 - |
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On the Nightly Builds page you will find the next stable version of LCDproc (0.4.4 wannabe). The goal of this release is bug fixing 0.4.3 and additionnal driver.
And it already contain an important memory leak fix and three new drivers: CFontz633, CwLnx and USBLCD.
CFontz633 is a driver for the new LCD from well known CrystalFontz from wich other LCD are supported since a long time.
CwLnx is a driver for LCD's from a Linux and embedded system friendly company named CwLinux.
The USBLCD driver comes as a HD44780 subdriver; it controls HD44780 compatible LCD's connected to a backpack available at www.usblcd.de via
If you have a problem with LCDproc 0.4.3, please give a try at 0.4.4. However that nightly tarball do not always compile.
- LCDproc v0.4.3 Released
May 30, 2002 - |
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LCDproc v0.4.3 is available for download.
We've got lots of new features and bug fixes cooked up for this release.
See here for a list of changes or the ChangeLog file in the
Yes, we never actually "released" LCDproc v0.4.2, because I'm stupid :) I've
included v0.4.2's ChangeLog in this announcement so folks running v0.4.1
know what they're in for with this upgrade.
v0.4.3 is one of the last anticipated releases of the v0.4 series of
LCDproc; we intend to release at least one more version, and more if bugs or
security issues arise, but development for v0.5 is well underway.
- LCDproc v0.4.3 Prereleases Available for Testing
02/24/02 - |
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Visit the Nightly Builds
page on our little slab of SourceForge's site for the latest development
releases of both v0.4.3 (destined to be the next stable release) and v0.5
(the development, unstable branch).
To see the current status of the various drivers in the two LCDproc
development branches (stable and unstable), visit our
hardware page.
- LCDproc Development Continues
09/27/01 - |
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All has not been silent on the LCDproc front. There's tons of work
underway right now to clean up the driver interface, add features,
make LCDproc more secure, etc. Have a look at the
download page to grab out latest CVS
tarball right now, or have a look at the Sourceforge project page
http://sourceforge.net/projects/lcdproc/ for more details on
the development.
If you want to contribute to the development, feel free to help
us out! Join the mailing list, and throw your ideas into the mix!
There's plenty to do.